A corporate client uses the currency trading facility for business related activities where all money is transmitted from business or corporate accounts.
Businesses which are involved in international trade will undoubtedly be affected by the constantly fluctuating currency markets, which could potentially be detrimental to an international business deal.
The deVere Foreign exchange experts understand that each business is unique, and thus believe in the importance of tailoring a service according to each businesses' individual requirements. By staying in regular contact with your dedicated dVFX trader, you can ensure that your company’s needs are fulfilled and the hard earned profits are protected.
By eliminating the unnecessary international bank transfer charges and commission, deVere Foreign Exchange are also able to save corporate clients hundreds of pounds, in addition to obtaining the very best commercial exchange rates available.
If you wish to find out how deVere Foreign Exchange could save your business money, please feel free to call +44 (0)207 411 9858 and speak to one of our industry specialists.
Alternatively, you may also start taking advantage of the deVere Foreign Exchange unprecedented services straight away, by opening an online account.